"I am absolutely delighted to see a web
site such as yours dedicated to displaying
quality Christian artwork. As a full time
artist, it is also my goal to produce and
see that Christian artwork such as these
touch people all around the world. Very
encouraging."Peter Carlos

"What a blessing your site is!!! It is always
good to 'bump' into Christian friends,
especially on the Internet. I came across
your site while looking up availability of a
19th print I had seen called Lost: Souvenir
of Auvergne. I haven't found any info on
that yet, but what a joy to find you. Amen!
What a wonderful ministry you have. God
bless!"Irene Doane

"The website is very nice. One can find
almost anything they would like pertaining
to the Bible. I would recommend this site to
friends. A friend in Christ."A. Peterkin

"I enjoyed to meet your site in the ocean
of uncleaned ones."Yuri Valayaev

"I came across your site today, and your
artwork is truly "Christ-Centered." All the
blessings that God has provided are shown
in each artist's rendition. They expose the
simple and pure beauty of God; no need for
the hyped and secular persuasion. If only I
could paint for His glory as these artists
do, but to each He has given a gift, so my
enjoyment is looking at these and having
the option to order. Thank you!"Sheryl La May

"Thank you for this site. It is really an
inspiration to a visual image of the
scriptures."Kim L. Mathis

"Hi, I received Forgiven in a frame w/nails
for my birthday this week (11/16), and I
really, really am blessed by this gift.
Thanks much!"Roy H. Halterman, Jr.

"Just wanted to say I think your site is one
of the nicest I have seen and thank you for
the opportunity."Vicki Robinson

"Just wanted to say I really appreciate
your web site. I have been saved 25 years
now. I will pray for you all and God bless
you all keep up the good work."Barbara Bechand

"I appreciate your quick response; thanks
so much! Your web site is now a part of
our 'Favorites' list."Becky McConnell

"I love your website and feel so blessed to
have found it (just today!). I have already
shared it with a few friends. God bless you."Verica Ketko

"I am deeply inspired and moved by the
artists' expressions. I enjoyed your website
and art gallery. Thanks and God bless!"Gigi Whitt

"Very interesting page!" Annebet Sofia Victoria Holbak

"Thank you so much for your help!" Mark E. Christensen

"Beautiful site, beautiful music. Thanks!" Peggy

"I was looking for praise midi files and
found them. Thanks!"Leslie B. Bhagyan

"Christ-Centered Art is an awesome site!" Ed Spenard

"Thanks to your site; it really helps. God
bless and more power."Grace Villanueva

"Very nice site keep up the good work!" In Search of Peace Magazine

"This is absolutely awesome. I love it!" Carole Gordon

"Your artwork is breathtaking!" Jeff Friberg

"Great site!" David Stewart

"I was moved by the paintings of the gates
by Thomas Kinkade."Judy Francis Johnson

"You have some nice prints. Thanks for
your web site. It's very encouraging to
come to this site and see God's wonderful
work."Vincent Caruso

"Our precious Lord and Savior has given us
many wonderful and beautiful things. These
artists are a gift to us all as their inner
beauty is put forth and can be seen in their
great works of art. Jesus has truly blessed
them. Thank you all for sharing. God be
with you!"Connie L. Ellenbolt

"It's great to be able to find artwork that
is beautiful and doesn't compromise our
Christian beliefs."Nelly E. Davila

